Source code for kde_diffusion.kde1d

"""Kernel density estimation via diffusion for 1-dimensional data."""

# Dependencies                         #
from numpy import array, arange
from numpy import exp, sqrt, pi as π
from numpy import ceil, log2
from numpy import product
from numpy import histogram
from scipy.fft import dct, idct
from scipy.optimize import brentq

# Main                                 #

[docs]def kde1d(x, n=1024, limits=None): """ Estimates the 1d density from discrete observations. The input is a list/array `x` of numbers that represent discrete observations of a random variable. They are binned on a grid of `n` points within the data `limits`, if specified, or within the limits given by the values' range. `n` will be coerced to the next highest power of two if it isn't one to begin with. The limits may be given as a tuple (`xmin`, `xmax`) or a single number denoting the upper bound of a range centered at zero. If any of those values are `None`, they will be inferred from the data. After binning, the function determines the optimal bandwidth according to the diffusion-based method. It then smooths the binned data over the grid using a Gaussian kernel with a standard deviation corresponding to that bandwidth. Returns the estimated `density` and the `grid` upon which it was computed, as well as the optimal `bandwidth` value the algorithm determined. Raises `ValueError` if the algorithm did not converge. """ # Convert to array in case a list is passed in. x = array(x) # Round up number of bins to next power of two. n = int(2**ceil(log2(n))) # Determine missing data limits. if limits is None: xmin = xmax = None elif isinstance(limits, tuple): (xmin, xmax) = limits else: xmin = -limits xmax = +limits if None in (xmin, xmax): delta = x.max() - x.min() if xmin is None: xmin = x.min() - delta/10 if xmax is None: xmax = x.max() + delta/10 # Determine data range, required for scaling. Δx = xmax - xmin # Determine number of data points. N = len(x) # Bin samples on regular grid. (binned, edges) = histogram(x, bins=n, range=(xmin, xmax)) grid = edges[:-1] # Compute 2d discrete cosine transform, then adjust first component. transformed = dct(binned/N) transformed[0] /= 2 # Pre-compute squared indices and transform components before solver loop. k = arange(n, dtype='float') # "float" avoids integer overflow. k2 = k**2 a2 = (transformed/2)**2 # Define internal function to be solved iteratively. def ξγ(t, l=7): """Returns ξ γ^[l] as a function of diffusion time t.""" f = 2*π**(2*l) * sum(k2**l * a2 * exp(-π**2 * k2*t)) for s in range(l-1, 1, -1): K = product(range(1, 2*s, 2)) / sqrt(2*π) C = (1 + (1/2)**(s+1/2)) / 3 t = (2*C*K/N/f)**(2/(3+2*s)) f = 2*π**(2*s) * sum(k2**s * a2 * exp(-π**2 * k2*t)) return (2*N*sqrt(π)*f)**(-2/5) # Solve for optimal diffusion time t*. try: ts = brentq(lambda t: t - ξγ(t), 0, 0.1) except ValueError: raise ValueError('Bandwidth optimization did not converge.') from None # Apply Gaussian filter with optimized kernel. smoothed = transformed * exp(-π**2 * ts/2 * k**2) # Reverse transformation after adjusting first component. smoothed[0] *= 2 inverse = idct(smoothed) # Normalize density. density = inverse * n/Δx # Determine bandwidth from diffusion time. bandwidth = sqrt(ts) * Δx # Return results. return (density, grid, bandwidth)